My name is Lauren Bosman, I am a senior here at Benedictine University and my major is Psychology. This is not the typical class a Psychology major would take, but I think it will better help my understanding of people and how some people are attracted to certain ads and things like that.
This is my first blog post ever. I am super excited to learn how all this blogging stuff works. I am also really excited to learn some more about social media and how we use it so much to market different items. When I first heard about this class I was very excited because I love social media, but hate the ads that pop up all the time. So I am excited to see why those ads pop up when they do and how to maybe make those ads pop up on certain screens and not others. It's actually annoying when you watch the video, but now that I get to learn about these marketing strategies, they might start to become more interesting to me. They also have ads that just pop up on the side of the screen. Those ones I tend to just ignore.
Other things I think of when I hear the words 'Social Media Marketing', I think about Instagram and how I'll be scrolling through and see an ad for a clothing line or other retailers. Those ads are pretty interesting to me because I usually see clothes or shoes and I love both of them. I hope this class teaches me everything that I want to know and more!