Thursday, March 15, 2018

Week #8- Hubspot Certification

This week I finished my Hubspot Inbound Certification. Honestly, I learned a lot from it. I didn't think I was going to retain any information from it. Not to be mean or anything, but in most classes that are not for my major, I usually don't remember too many things from the class, but this one I think will stick with me for a while. I don't know if I will ever have to use it or if I will get a job because of it, just because it doesn't really pertain to my major or field. But it was a good experience and I think it will be useful for many people who are in the marketing field. And the test was actually decently hard, like if you didn't pay attention to any of the videos, it would be very hard to complete the test and pass it. But luckily I passed the test on the first try.

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