Sunday, March 25, 2018

Week #9- Introduction to SEO- Ch. 7

This week I came back to the Introduction to Search Engine Optimization book and I read chapter 7. I took a couple week off of it because I wanted to blog about a couple other things, but I am back to reading this book. This chapter is about exploring Google webmaster Tools and Search console. Many businesses and companies who are smaller use a service to help manage their sites. Some examples of companies that do that are GoDaddy or Google Sites or In a lot of cases these companies will manage about 95% of the technical part so that the owner of the small business does not have to. And a lot of the time it is automated through a system called Content Management System. What they do is they help people, who are not very tech-savy, create a good website that will help out their business. But he goes on to say that it does not matter how a website is set up, they still sometimes need a doctor and that is where Webmaster Tools/ Search Console comes in. He gives a couple links to check out if you want to learn more about it. They are YouTube videos you can watch. He explains that there are a lot of articles and videos out there about Webmaster Tools/ Search Console, so if you would like more information about it, I would suggest trying to check some things out. And in the rest of the chapter he shows you how you can manage some of your websites through Google.

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