Thursday, September 7, 2017

Week #2- Artifical Intelligence

I've recently read an article called, Don't Delay, No One Can Say (How Soon AI Will Take Jobs Away), this article is about Artificial Intelligence or AI. What it basically means is that robots and computers are going to take most of our jobs one day. This could be a little alarming for people who are in certain fields that can be replaced by computers, which right now, is me.

As a student in college I have a part time job as a bank teller at a bank. At the bank, they have not upgraded their systems in a very long time, everything is very outdated. I have a couple other friends that work for different banks than I do and they keep telling me that they are getting rid of their tellers and everyone is becoming a universal banker. A universal banker is pretty much a personal banker and a teller all in one. Another reason this is nerve wracking for me is because banks are integrating a system that pretty much gets rid of deposit slips and withdrawal slips it just does everything for you. There are no more drawers that you put your money in, just big ol' machines that do everything for you. ATM's are getting pretty sophisticated now too, you can pretty much do everything at an ATM.

There are pros and cons to having robots and computers that do everything for you, and there are pros and cons to humans that do certain jobs. As a bank teller, human error plays a big role in why they are getting rid of the tellers. Being a teller is a huge responsibility, but on the other hand computers can make mistakes. Technology fails at some points.

The field I want to go into is Clinical Social Work, so I am really not too worried about AI taking over that field. There is no way that AI can be an effective way to do therapy, especially with mental health. Human to human contact is crucial to the helping profession. So I'm not necessarily nervous about not having a career in a few years. If I had chosen to stay in banking, I would be a little bit more nervous about it.

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