Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Week #4- What Color is Your Parachute Ch. 2

This week I read chapter 2 of What Color is Your Parachute, and it was actually very interesting. The main thing that was discussed in this chapter was how to build your resume. He gives really good tips on what to put on your social media profiles as well. Social media is super important when job hunting because an employer can type your name in on Google, and your Facebook page, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube page and everything. It's nice and it could also be very hurtful to some potential job seekers. Since they can see everything you post you should be careful about what you post or at least make those pages private, so not every single person can see what you post.

He discusses a lot about keeping pages such as Twitter and LinkedIn up to date. This is important because employers are looking for people who are qualified to do jobs and if their profiles are still from when they worked as a line cook at McDonald's during high school, no employer is necessarily going to want to hire that person. He gives good insight on what to actually put in your profile. Some things such as Responsibilities at a certain job that you previously had. This was interesting to me because I used to be a manager at a shoe store and I had many big responsibilities that I would never even think to have included in my LinkedIn profile. This book has definitely given me a lot of helpful tips and tricks on how I should be job hunting now.

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