Thursday, September 14, 2017

Week #3- Introduction to Social Media Marketing Ch. 2

This week I read Chapter 2 of "Introduction to Social Media Marketing" by Todd Kelsey. In this chapter he discuses blogs and then says how to edit videos on YouTube. People upload videos to YouTube constantly. I've uploaded a video before, and I'm not tech savy at all. Many people do this because they have vlogs. A vlog is a blog in video form. So instead of reading everything I'm writing here, you would just listen to it instead and see me in the video. There are a lot of vloggers out there on YouTube, some just do funny videos, some do makeup tutorials, and some do exercise tutorials. There are a lot of different things you can do as a vlogger.

This is one of the vloggers that I follow on YouTube. His name is Joe Santagato. He just creates funny videos and he is just a funny guy, and he gets paid to do this. Companies can sponsor your videos and that's how people can make a living from YouTube. It would be awesome to have a vlog someday, I just don't think I have the time to keep up with filming and editing. YouTube is very helpful in terms of learning how to edit your videos. This book also goes into a great detail on how to sign up for YouTube and how to just start a simple blog and how to add screenshots to your blog. All of these tips are very helpful to new bloggers like me. 

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