Thursday, September 21, 2017

Week #4- Introduction to Social Media Marketing- Ch. 3

This week I read chapter 3 of Introduction to Social Media Marketing, and the main area of discussion for this chapter was Facebook. Facebook is a huge place to market different things, such as yourself or other products. Todd gives you ways to create a page on Facebook that can really help you get noticed by different kinds of people.

In Social Media Marketing class last week, we had to make our own Facebook pages. We all made a digital marketing page and we had to post our blogs to it. I would definitely recommend making a Facebook page for your blog or just anything you want to get more attention with. Before I posted it on my page and my own personal Facebook page I had maybe 4 views on my blog, (they were all probably just me), and once I posted it to the page I had 200 views on my blog. Every blog since is getting more and more views too.

I think Facebook is a fantastic way to get people to see things and help people to learn about whatever the page is about. Facebook is also really good about telling you how many people have seen your page and how many likes you have and a lot of the details someone who is managing a page would want to know. Facebook obviously also has its ways of making money for themselves, so if you actually want to pay Facebook, they will promote your page even more. There are a lot of things online that will help you to promote your items, Facebook is pretty cool!

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