Thursday, September 28, 2017

Week #5- Introduction to Social Media Marketing- Ch. 4

This week I also read Introduction to Social Media Marketing, chapter 4. This chapter was all about Facebook ads. Facebook ads are so important to businesses of all sizes. Big or small, you can have a Facebook ad. I believe Facebook ads are the most important type of ad, because they are seen by so many people, even if they don't think so. People watch videos all the time on Facebook, and usually within the first 30-45 seconds they play an ad in the middle of the video. Even if you don't have anything that you're selling, you can still make a Facebook ad. In this chapter Kelsey writes about how he wasn't selling anything, but he still made an ad to try and get people to read a story he wrote. The great thing about Facebook ads is that, you can see so much different information about the ad and how many people it reached and things like that. You can also target ads on Facebook to certain audiences.

This picture is a picture of what I would see scrolling through Facebook. This is one of the ads I would most likely click on because it talks about millennials, and I am a millennial. Also on the right side of the picture there are two other ads. One has pretty jewelry (I like pretty jewelry) and the second one is wiper blades (I'm not going to look at that one). I think Facebook ads are great. The amount of times I'm scrolling through Facebook and stumble upon an ad and actually click on it, is a lot. I'm usually the type of person who hates ads, but when I see cute clothes being promoted on Facebook, I can't help myself not to click on it. I love shopping, so Facebook ads can be dangerous for me, because I'm one of those people who will not only click on it, but I will usually end up buying something on the website it takes me to. And that's exactly what these marketers for these companies, are trying to do. They want the best picture on the ad so that it draws in the buyers, and I think that is awesome because I see it really working in my own life.

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