Friday, October 6, 2017

Week #6- What Color is your Parachute- Ch. 4.

This week I read, yet again, What Color is Your Parachute chapter 4. This chapter was probably the best one that I have read yet. This one is very useful for not just students, but everyone. I believe everyone should have to read this chapter to graduate college. It was all about interviews, one of the most scary things a person has to do in life. Interviews are scary and they can be very intense, but they can really make you "make your mark" on an employer. Interviews aren't always just for jobs either, college students get interviewed a lot for graduate programs that they want to get into. So many of us either have gone through an interview process before, or are going to go through one at least once in our lives, so this chapter is great for you. I have gone through a handful of interviews myself for part time jobs. They have been somewhat stressful and I wish I could have read through all of his tips before I went on my interviews. He gives us 16 tips on how to have a successful interview and each one of them has really stood out to me and really helped to open my eyes about what people are looking for in them.

I am very glad to have been given the opportunity to read a book like this in class. It is so helpful for the real world, and I could use all the help I can get. I will be entering the "real world" only in about 7 months, so I really am going to use all the tips and tricks that Bolles provides throughout this book.

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