Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Week #8- What Color is Your Parachute- Ch. 6

This week I read another fantastic chapter of What Color is Your Parachute, and this week it was about what to do when your job-hunt isn't working anymore. He talks about something called the "Traditional Approach". This is how we have always been looking for jobs, this is how everyone tells us to look for jobs. The first 5 chapters of this book were about the Traditional Approach. This approach doesn't demand too much out of us and we can easily learn how to do it. The other way we can look at our job-hunt is through the "Parachute Approach". This is where you start with yourself and not the job market. You look at yourself and you figure out which of your strengths would best fit what employer. You shouldn't wait until they have an opening, you go to the employer that you want to work for and approach them through a "bridge-person. It's someone who knows you and someone who knows them. LinkedIn is a good way to find this "bridge-person".

Then he gives 11 best and worst approaches to job-hunting. Things that you and I might think are good ways to find jobs are actually not good ways. The first is job-hunting on the internet. "This method apparently works on average 4% of the time". That's ridiculous considering I just found my last job on the internet! LOL! One of the better ways to job-hunt is to go knocking on the door of any employer, this method works 47% of the time. It works the best with small employers. The best way to job-hunt is using the Yellow Pages. This works 65% of the time. But it does take a lot of time to go through them. Either way you try to job-hunt, it is usually a lot of work.

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