Thursday, October 26, 2017

Week #9- Hootsuite Demo

Today in class we learned more about how to use Hootsuite and honestly, it's pretty cool. It's a really neat way to manage all your social media profiles. So today we learned how to add our accounts to the page.

In this screenshot it shows all the profiles I have added to Hootsuite. My Digital Marketing page, Twitter page, and LinkeIn page are all added to Hootsuite, so I can post to them simultaneously. You can add more and different profiles. I could've added my personal Facebook page, but I just decided to do my Digital Marketing Page. 

In this screenshot, it shows how to post. In the left hand side of the page, it shows the three accounts that I have linked. And just by tapping on them you can either add them or delete them to where you want to post. Next to it, in the big white box, you write what you want to post. 

In this picture you can see that my post has worked! Wahoo!
The post got sent to LinkedIn

And finally, it got posted to my Twitter! All at the same time, which is super cool!
All of this stuff is super cool and I'm super excited to continue to learn more about Hootsuite. 

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