Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Week #4- Surfing the Tsunami- Ch. 4

This week I also read Chapter 4 of Surfing the Tsunami and it was about the first part of responding to AI. The first way to respond to it is, Adapt. Adapt means learn more and pay attention; keep aware of where things are headed. He says that this stage is good, its good to realize and learn more about what is going to happen in our future. But he also says you can't just stop here. You have to become pro-active in this phase. He says we need to dig deep in researching about AI. Step 1 is to read articles. There are a bunch of articles he gives the url to in chapter 3 and he thinks its a good idea to read through all of them just to get some more background information about AI. Step 2 is to read books. He thinks its very helpful to actually have a physical book and go through it. Flipping the pages and putting your phone down and getting off of the computer helps to not be distracted and to really learn about everything. He also gives good suggestions of books to read in this book. At the end of the day it is important to keep up to date on these things and to figure out whats going on with AI and to see how soon it will be here.

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